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Dark Election: Video Shows Possible Illegal Coordination Between Clinton Super PACs, Operatives Instigating Violence At Trump Events

Editor's Note: Some strong language

“We’re starting anarchy here,” said Scott Foval, the national field director for Americans United For Change (AUFC) to a Project Veritas reporter.


The investigative journalism group headed by James O’Keefe spent a year infiltrating what appears to be a dark web of progressive group fomenting violence at Trump rallies, among other things, in order to create a narrative that Trump supporters are unhinged and volatile. It also shows how these groups serve as hubs between the various Clinton super PACs, namely Priorities USA, to keep in contact with one another, which isn’t legal. Party apparatuses and the campaign proper are not supposed to be in direct contact with friendly super PACs, though since Foval and his ilk are consultants, independently contracted, they go ahead with it. Foval, who is the main focus of this video, describes it as a text message that doesn’t end. We also know what the term “birddogging” means, which O’Keefe said he didn’t know what it was until this investigation. Pretty much it involves operatives arriving early at events in order to get close to the rope line to ask the candidates a series of scripted questions. Given the violence element they’re lusting for, progressive groups are hoping that Trump supporters assault these people, which they have done; one of them being an old lady on oxygen who was punched at a Trump rally. The story was blasted all over the media, which is the goal. The woman was portrayed as an innocent bystander; she wasn’t—she’s an operative with the progressive left.

“If you’re there and you’re protesting and you do these actions, you will be attacked at Trump rallies. That’s what we want, said Foval. “The whole point of it is that we know Trump’s people will freak the fuck out, his security team will freak out, and his supporters will lose their shit.”


The video then explains how Foval is one of Clinton’s dark operatives [Warning: some language]:

“We are contracted directly with the DNC and the campaign both. I am contracted to him (Bob Creamer). But I answer to the head of special events for the DNC and the head of the special events and political for the campaign,” said Foval. “The campaign (Hillary Clinton) pays DNC, DNC pays Democracy Partners, Democracy Partners pays the Foval Group, and the Foval Group goes and executes shit on the ground.”

Now, what is Democracy Partners? They’re a consulting group with ties to Barack Obama and Clinton, headed by Bob Creamer who went to jail for five months after being convicted of tax violations and bank fraud. He was also given 11 months house arrest. He’s married to Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL).

“Wherever Trump and Pence are gonna be we have events. And we have a whole team across the country that does that. Both consultants and people from the Democratic Party and the Democratic Party apparatus and people from the campaign, the Clinton campaign. And my role in the campaign is to manage all that,” said Creamer telling a Project Veritas reporter.

“Bob Creamer is diabolical and I love him for it,” said Foval.

O’Keefe then plays a clip possibly showing illegal coordination between the Clinton campaign and the vast array of super PACs supporting her presidential ambitions detailed, again, by Mr. Foval:

We have a clip deliverable that we have to deliver every day for our groups of clients who are involved in these projects. AUFC, A for AC, which is Alliance for Change, Alliance for Retired Americans, which is part of AFL-CIO. They are of our partners on the AUFC stuff for Social Security. It depends on the issue. And then there’s the DNC and the campaigns and Priorities. Priorities is a big part of this too. The campaigns and the DNC cannot go near Priorities, but I gauran-damn-tee you that the people who run the super PACs all talk to each other and we and a few other people are the hubs of the communication.


When the PV journalist tries to clarify what was just said, Foval says that the DNC cannot talk directly to the super PACs, but notes how communication is maintained.

“We’re consultants so we’re not the official entity so those conversations can be had between consultants who are working for different parts, yeah,” said Foval.

“That’s why there’s Bob who is the primary there and I’m a sub to him and I’m also a primary to AUFC separately. That’s why,” added Foval.

“So, there’s like a Morse code between the DNC and the super PACs?” asked the PV writer.

“It’s less of a Morse code than it is a text conversation that never ends. It’s like that. It’s kind of like an ongoing Pony Express,” replied Foval.

Also, he’s caught describing how one should cover their tracks and provide a situation in which plausible deniability can be articulated.

“The thing that we have to watch is making sure there is a double blind between the actual campaign and the actual DNC and what we’re doing. There’s a double blind there. So they can plausibly deny that they knew anything about it.”

As for stoking the fire at Trump rallies, Foval notes that there’s a script, sometimes it works, sometimes not; and that he’s employed the mentally ill and homeless to carry out his operations—though he admits that they have a specialized group of agitators all over the country

And there appears to be a fear that they know this will be a huge story and a major embarrassment if the dots are connected between the DNC, Democracy Partners, and the agitators that are sent to cause trouble.


Meet Aaron Black, a DNC rapid response director, who O’Keefe works full-time for Democracy Partners. His last name is also Minter, not Black, though that could be for a simple reason.

“Nobody is really supposed to know about me,” said Black to a PV journalist.

“So, the Chicago protest when they shut all that, that was us. It was more him [Bob Creamer] than me, but none of this is supposed to come back to us, because we want it coming from people, we don’t want it to come from the party,” added Black. “So if we do a protest and if it’s branded DNC protest, right away the press is going to say partisan. But if I’m in there coordinating with all the groups on the ground and sort of playing field general but they are the ones talking to the cameras, then it’s actually people.”

“We have to be really careful because, because what we don’t need is for it to show up on CNN that the DNC paid for X people to, that’s not going to happen,” declared Foval.

The video also includes Foval detailing how union guys are ready to rock ‘n roll for anything, and that he will not allow one of his agitator’s legal or medical bills not be paid for should they get arrested at a rally or assaulted.

So, in some ways, many already knew this sort of behavior was going on, especially with the designated operatives sent in to create chaos—and maybe a little bit on the super PAC coordination front. We now have frank discussions outlining how the progressive left does both, how they know it’s media disaster if they get caught, and how they will never undertake an effort that will have their operations blasted all over the news media to generate poor public relations for the Trump campaign. The Left is an institution. The Right, more or less, is a loose alliance of principled activists, running operations individually to expand the message of conservatism. There is nothing wrong with a loose collection of dedicated activists spreading the message of free markets, constitutional restraint, lower taxes, and a smaller government, though an institutional mindset will always have an individual-based agenda weakened right out of the gate. There are ways to beat the Left, but for now—they’re winning.


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