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Kennedy's Immigration Questions Leave Witnesses Silent

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) left top Biden administration officials silent during questioning in a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing about the number of illegal border crossers who have entered the country on President Biden’s watch.


Despite being a senior member of the Department of Homeland Security, Cardell Morant, director of the Center for Countering Human Trafficking, had no idea how many “non-American citizens have come into our country illegally or on the basis of a claim of asylum.”

“Does anybody know the number?” Kennedy said, looking to the other witnesses from the Department of Labor, the Department of Health & Human Services, and the State Department.   

“None of you know the number. Try 8 million. Now of that 8million, how many were children, Mr. Morant?” Kennedy wondered.

“I don’t have that number,” Morant replied. 

“You don’t know, does anybody know? None of you know, isn’t that special. Let’s assume half, OK? Eight million is four Nebraskas, right? Four new states. Let’s assume, and I don’t think this is right, that half of them are children. How many of those 8 million people are still here? Do any of you know?” Kennedy asked, but the panel was silent.  

Kennedy went on to pose a number of follow-up questions regarding these individuals, but none of them could respond. 


“How many of those 8 million are claiming asylum? You don’t know? How many of them claim asylum and don’t show up for their hearing? Nobody knows?” Kennedy continued. “How many of them claim asylum, don’t show up for their hearing and President Biden has deported them? You don’t know? How many of them have claimed asylum, shown up for their asylum hearing and been denied asylum and been deported? You don’t know.”

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