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New Emails Show More 'Extremely Careless' Behavior by Clinton

Hillary Clinton may be out of the spotlight for her email scandal now that the election’s over but more emails are coming out that offer additional examples of her being ‘extremely careless’ in handling sensitive information.


New emails released by the State Department Tuesday show Clinton and her aides exchanging talking points, schedules and even passwords over her private server.

Many of the 371 emails posted on the State Department website had been partially released previously, and are separate from the hacked emails of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta posted by WikiLeaks before the election. Almost all the messages were partly or heavily redacted.

Among the items redacted -- yet still sent over email -- was Clinton's iPad password. 

In an Aug. 20, 2012 conversation, Clinton’s closest aide, Huma Abedin, told her boss she had the iPad password reset. The device had previously given Clinton problems, though Abedin wrote that it’s “all good now.”

At the top of the message, Abedin typed out the entirety of the new password, which was redacted on the State Department release. Clinton responded later with even more information, noting that “I finally realized I had to add the [redacted] to the password!!!!”

They also shared detailed schedules and talking points ahead of meetings and calls with foreign leaders and top U.S. officials. Other emails revealed details about Justin Cooper, who helped set up her private server, as well as other Clinton relationships. 

On Sept. 30, 2011 – the day American-born terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki was killed – Abedin emailed Clinton to say then-CIA Director David Petraeus wanted to talk on a secure connection. She added: “Assume its about awlaki.”

Other emails released Tuesday shed light on Clinton’s relationships.

In advance of a September 2012 meeting with the Sultan of Brunei – who would later impose Sharia law on his country – Abedin emailed Clinton that Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah hoped to have dinner with Clinton and her family.

“They say sultan sees wjc as part of his family and thus is treating you in this ‘informal’ way,” she wrote, using Bill Clinton’s initials.

On Dec. 24, 2011, Clinton emailed Chelsea Clinton, who was using a pseudonym revealed previously by WikiLeaks, asking “Who will provide tech support after Justin leaves,” ostensibly citing Cooper, who originally helped set up Clinton’s server and was typically called for any tech issues Clinton was experiencing.

“Let’s talk about this later – he’s actually supported by someone else too as a fyi,” Chelsea replied cryptically. “I think there are a couple options.”


While FBI Director James Comey fell short of indicting Clinton over her email scandal, he said in July she and her staff were "extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information."

This post has been updated. 

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