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Hillary Clinton: Bergdahl Swap a 'Hard Choice' But Right Decision

As the controversy over the release of alleged deserter and Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl rages on, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is weighing in. Speaking at event in Denver, Clinton was asked by the moderator about her thoughts on the issue and gave a diplomatic response defending the decision. More from AP:

Clinton said she did not second-guess people who make such tough decisions, but said the American tradition of caring for its citizens and soldiers was a "noble" one.

"This young man, whatever the circumstances, was an American citizen — is an American citizen — was serving in our military," Clinton said. "The idea that you really care for your own citizens and particularly those in uniform, I think is a very noble one."

She added that she understood regrets about the deal but that the Obama administration feared Bergdahl wouldn't survive much longer. She described it as an example of the "hard choices" in government that is also the title of her forthcoming book.

Although Clinton mentioned prisoner swaps between Israel and the Palestinians, she failed to mention the high level status of the five Taliban prisoners the Obama administration had just released back into the world. She also failed to mention the controversy and serious questions surrounding Bergdahl's anti-American views and allegations from fellow soldiers he was a deserter.

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