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Sebelius: I Don't Work For 'The People' Calling For My Resignation

Late Monday evening after visiting an Obamacare call center in Arizona, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius held a brief press conference during which she was peppered with questions. One reporter in particular asked Sebelius how she feels about those calling for her resignation. Sebelius responded by saying she "doesn't work for them" and stressed that nobody has been fired.


"The majority of people calling for me to resign I would say are people who I don’t work for and who do not want this program to work in the first place. I have had frequent conversations with the president and I have committed to him that my role is to get the program up and running and we will do just that,” she said.

Apparently Sebelius thinks she only works for, and answers to, Barack Obama.

Nearly three dozen Republicans sent a letter to President Obama earlier this week demanding he fire Sebelius. Democrats have stated that "someone" should lose their job over the Obamacare website roll out.

An online (unscientific) CNBC poll shows 85 percent of people think Sebelius should be fired.

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According to a Fox News poll, 60 percent of people think Obamacare implementation is a "joke." Also as a reminder, Obamacare is still extremely unpopular among "the people" Sebelius claims she doesn't work for.

A majority continues to dislike President Obama’s signature achievement: 51 percent of voters use negative terms to describe the health care law, saying it is either “a step backward” or “disastrous.”

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