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Massachusetts Has Dropped Common Core Test

This post has been updated

Massachusetts has become the latest state to eschew Common Core tests, and will instead create its own state-specific test to measure how well students are learning.


Common Core has come under fire from both the left and the right. Teacher's unions disliked the standards-- and the high-stakes testing--and those on the right thought that Common Core was the federal government growing far too large.

Massachusetts already had very high standards (and good outcomes) for education, plus some of the best schools in the country. While Massachusetts will remain part of the PARCC test, it's good that they're exercising at least some local control.

It's important to make sure that every child, regardless of what state they live in, receives a good education. While the goals of Common Core were noble in theory, it seems as though many states are realizing that it's not right for their students.

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