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Big Business Explains Continuing Gasps of Discredited Green Movement

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Although man-made global warming has been thoroughly exposed as an embarrassing scam, the green movement is strangely expanding, not retreating. A member of Congress privately told me this is because the green movement is completely driven by money, not idealism. The rhetoric about saving the earth is nothing more than propaganda to pad the pockets of the one percent at the top who are profiting from it.


Last year, a committee in the U.S. Senate conducted an investigation and discovered that a handful of radical left-wing billionaires, millionaires and their foundations are behind the green movement. Contrary to the misperception manufactured about left-wing causes, the environmentalist movement is made up of mostly wealthy - not to mention white and male - Americans and Europeans who stand to make a profit from draconian regulations. This shouldn’t be any surprise, considering the average American cannot afford a green lifestyle. These one percenters have gone to great lengths to keep their involvement hidden from the public, to avoid exposure of the movement as a “Billionaire’s Club.”

In order to set up this slush fund, wealthy activists pressured Congress and the EPA to pass environmental rules and regulations mandating easy sources of revenue for green companies. It has been even easier to do this under the Obama administration, since there is a revolving door between the environmental elite and EPA officials. The billionaires also lobbied Congress to establish thousands of grants for green organizations, which are nothing more than handouts of taxpayers’ money. Incredibly, the Huffington Post and Mother Jones, left-wing media outlets, have even received these grants. Green organizations benefit from significantly less competition than other sectors of the economy, since most conservatives won’t enter the green movement.

These billionaire hypocrites hide their identities by funneling money through intermediary groups, making it difficult to track. The extra organizations are mere shells, or duplicative of existing groups. Their existence also serves to make it appear there is more support for green causes than there really is. They keep their membership and activities secret, have deceptive, feel-good names like “The Energy Foundation” and are described as “charities.” Formed as nonprofit 501(c)(3)s, these pass-through organizations are not required to register as lobbyists, disguising their true power and access. The left refers to “Big Coal” and “Big Oil” controlling Congress, but in actuality, the green organizations hold much more sway, it’s just hidden. The IRS, which consists of mostly leftist Democrats, looks the other way at all the illegal activity.


The green billionaires are successful because they prey on the average American’s lack of scientific knowledge and sense of guilt. They pressure blue collar Americans who are barely getting by - who cannot afford health insurance, air conditioning or other basic necessities - into thinking they are being greedy by driving an older car which is all they can afford, or for buying inexpensive items from China that aren’t recyclable. The billionaire elitists would rather the average American go without bare necessities than risk losing their profits from green big business.

After the emails of prominent scientists were leaked exposing manmade global warming as a fraud, the phrase was changed to “climate change.” Since the climate is always changing, this crafty phrase ensures that the “problem” will never be solved and will always need more money. The complicit left-leaning media won’t point this out, but instead preaches about the “danger” of climate change - which makes no sense if thought through.

Sadly, even mainstream companies are being coerced into perpetuating the green scams, due to government incentives and punitive measures. The far left publication Alternet admits, “There is so much hype these days about protecting the environment that many companies are going green simply to earn more green.”

Green leftists who rail against big business, the one percent and white males hypocritically constitute everything they claim to oppose. The environmentalist movement is grounded in big money and politics, not science. It is making a few one percenters very wealthy at immense cost to everyone else. “Progress” cannot even be measured since the meaningless phrase “climate change” will occur forever. Until the radical environmentalists with an agenda are cleaned out of the EPA, and the IRS stops looking the other way at green fraud, this scam will continue to grow.


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