Planned Parenthood's Recipe for Holiday Cheer Includes Abortion

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Christmas is a holiday which marks the birth of Christ, and one on which people celebrate rich traditions that have come to be tied to the season. However, one thing’s for certain: none of those traditions involve Planned Parenthood’s newly released talking points for defending baby killing during your Christmas dinner—an idea even more repugnant than the group’s usual propaganda.

Labeled “Talking Turkey,” these talking points are nothing less than a crash course in how to make Planned Parenthood look good at the dining room table if a pro-life friend or family member voices his or her opinion that “abortion is murder,” “I don’t want my tax dollars going toward abortions,” or the ever problematic, “I think sex ed should be left to parents.”

It’s shocking to think anyone still believes such backwards values these days, but that’s why Planned Parenthood has your back.

In the case of “abortion is murder,” Planned Parenthood advises their proponents not to go there. Instead they are to do all they can to avoid such “bumper sticker speak talk.” (I guess this means “abortion stops a beating heart” is off the [dinner] table too.)

Regarding the use of tax dollars for abortion, Planned Parenthood advises readers to remind family members that “because of the Hyde Amendment, tax dollars can’t go toward supporting abortion,” and then to quickly change subjects by adding, “But I do believe that everyone deserves access to basic, preventive reproductive care, and that it’s important we support those services. No one should ever have to choose between paying rent and buying birth control.”

Just kind of makes you makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside on a cold winter’s night, no?

For some reason, Planned Parenthood also doesn’t want the discussion to include a focus on the hundreds of thousands of abortions they perform annually. This means a worst case scenario for them would be a rousing chorus of “Away in a Manger” or “What Child is This?” followed by facts about how Planned Parenthood received $349,000,000 in federal taxpayer funds while performing 324,008 abortions in 2008 alone.

Should the topic of sex education be raised, Planned Parenthood advises its supporters to confidently agree that parents should be educating their children about sex. Then, however, the conversation is to be turned to how most parents put off talking about sexual topics to their children in a timely manner – which according to Planned Parenthood should be in pre-kindergarten – and that’s why it’s necessary for others to step in and do the parenting.

After all, as Planned Parenthood advises—confidently and without any shame—you should simply tell your family members, “We need to make sure all kids get this information that could save their lives.”

Planned Parenthood’s idea of a merry Christmas is one in which family discussions are micromanaged to never focus on when the child in the manger became “a viable life” or how abortions end with tiny dead bodies being thrown into trash sacks, cardboard boxes, and dumpsters—not to mention the impact abortions have on the women themselves. (Such a Christmas closely resembles Herod's, the ruler who determined to greet the coming of the King of Peace by slaughtering innocents.)

Perhaps the most encouraging aspect of these talking points is the fact that they had to be issued in the first place. Seriously—since when has Planned Parenthood had to worry about their image?

The tide is turning, friends. And this Christmas, as you have your cup of cheer and celebrate Christ’s birth in accordance with the traditions your family follows, don’t be shamed into letting go of this one simple truth: every innocent life has value, not just the ones Planned Parenthood didn’t have a chance to kill.