Can the Pope Shut Up Too?

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Last week I pleaded for Federal Reserve chair, Janet Yellen, to shut up. Yellen had gotten crosswise with me in her attempt to inject politics into her role as head of the banks in the country.

Specifically, Yellen argued that income inequality is rising in the United States and that it greatly concerns her in her role as Fed chair.

“The distribution of income and wealth in the United States has been widening more or less steadily for several decades,” said Yellen to Fed conference members “to a greater extent than in most advanced countries….The extent of and continuing increase in inequality in the United States greatly concerns me.”

Besides being wrong on her facts, Yellen is also wrong in her function as the head of the banks.

The Fed’s role is to make sure that banks have enough capital to make it through times when banks demand immediate cash—thus the name: Federal Reserve Bank.

The fact that the Fed sucks at that reserve role—as we saw in 2008-- doesn't give the chair license to free agent into policy areas that are wholly political.

And this phenomenon of saying controversial things that polarize us by leaders who are supposed to be above politics is disheartening.

I have increasingly despaired that our leaders worldwide are so inadequate at their primary function that they seek to distract us from noticing their inadequacies by straying from their own lanes.

And now this inadequacy is being exhibited by one of our newest messiahs from the Left, Pope Francis, who lane-wise, seems like a drunk driver.

Attempting to bolster his image as pro-science, pro-evolution, Francis just told a group of pontifical scientists: “God is not a divine being or a magician, but the Creator who brought everything to life,” in reference to accounts of creation. 

As a practicing Catholic, I have a bone or two to pick with the church. Like many institutions, the Roman Catholic Church is hierarchical, myopic and often more concerned with image than it is with results.

To the extent that Francis is seeking to change those things, I applaud him and his successors. And I support the scientific account of creation as not incompatible with that of the Bible. 

But in his desperation to be relevant, Francis used words that will hurt Catholics for a long time, unfortunately.

While other media outlets concentrate on Francis saying that God is not a magician, I grieve that a pope would dare to say that God is not divine.

I don’t know how I can support a pope—or church—that says that God is not divine.

The church’s role as arbiter of scientific thought seems so important to Francis that he is willing to sacrifice the divinity of our Creator in order to glamorize the secular elements of man.

Like similar comments by Francis on the economy and homosexuality, those on the Left will seize upon the Pope’s words to demoralize and degrade believers in the Christian Church.

They will twist them to work as anti-religious, anti-Catholic propaganda.

We have come a long way down from saintly John Paul II to Pope Francis.

John Paul II was a miracle of divine intervention who helped spread the faith and convert the nations.

But Francis seems to be more concerned with the judgments of men than he is that God. The assertion from a pope that God is neither divine nor omnipotent is startling. But what is perhaps most startling is that such an admission would be met with blasé acceptance by the Christian world.

So why exactly are Christians being martyred in the Middle East and elsewhere?

For a man who poses as God? Or for a god who poses as man?

The answer here-- as with many of our others leaders-- is unfortunately: Yes.