Who’s the Most Dangerous Man in America?

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Townhall.com.

According to the Left, it is either Rand Paul, or Ted Cruz. And while Ted Cruz continues to fight against Obamacare, Rand Paul is ramping up to fight for transparency in the Fed. . . Now, just wait for the insults to fly from the Janet Yellen advocates on the left.

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Show Prep:

Hal Quinn, President and CEO of the National Mining Association, joined the program to discuss America’s underutilized natural resources:

What’s Right with Ransom:

Big Three:

Other News:

The White House stopped tapping Angela Merkel’s phone. . . Cool. Um, can we stop tapping American phone calls now? Or am I asking too much?(CNN)

The woman in this story asks why she can’t just “keep her existing insurance” plans. . . Um, because “O” won the 2012 election. (Weekly Standard)

Newest government revenue plan: Charge drivers for each mile they drive. . . Using the black box that is in their car. (LA Times)

According to environmentalists, water is a pollutant:(Daily Caller)

The Program in its entirety: