Government Promises to Save Us From Too Much Government

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Townhall.com.

Let’s fix the problem of too much government with more government. ‘K? Jay Richards, author of INFILTRATED, joined the show to talk about the cause of the Financial Crises . . . And how little we’ve learned in the last five years.

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Show Prep:

Jay Richards, author of INFILTRATED, joined the show to talk about the cause of the Financial Crises . . . And how little we’ve learned.

Ezra Klein is an Idiot – Featuring Harry Reid.

Big Three:

Number Three:

This seems shocking. . . After five years of an increasingly dismal “recovery”, the American public is losing some confidence in the market. Imagine that. (Bloomberg)

Number Two:

Remember how Bernanke always prided his Fed on being terribly transparent. . . Yeah, not everyone agrees with that assessment after this week’s announcement. (CNBC)

Number One:

And on that note. . . Here’s James Bullard with the Fed explaining why they decided to keep the printing presses rolling: (Bloomberg)

Other News:

For the love of everything that is good in this world, IT’S JUST A PHONE! (Bloomberg)

Super classy, Dems. . . Apparently they didn’t want to give the Benghazi families the time of day. (Townhall)

Here are the Dems that walked out on their testimony: (All of them. . . )

Shocker: (LATimes)

Um. . . Maybe we should up our standards? (FoxNews)

The full program, from start to finish, for your educational benefit: