
NYPD Patrol Chief Has Best Response to City Official Upset Over Crackdown on Pro-Hamas Protests

UPDATE: Chell reposted his original response Thursday night.

"Like I said it was an accident….I'm back!!!!" Chell wrote.

Far-left New York City Councilwoman Tiffany Cabán blew a gasket over the city's police department clearing out the pro-Hamas occupiers terrorizing Columbia University. Cabán, an ardent anti-police activist, called the crackdown Tuesday night "authoritarian conduct," "a colossal disgrace," "a horrifying affront to democracy and free speech," and "an abject failure of public safety."

NYPD Chief of Patrol John Chell wasn't having it.

The sharp-tongued patrol chief responded to Cabán with a scathing reply on X's platform, formerly Twitter.

"I started to read this garbage and quickly realized this is coming from a person who hates our city and certainly does not represent the great people of NYC," Chell replied, referring to Cabán, a self-described "queer" democratic socialist seeking to defund and abolish the police. "But I did manage to play the word replacement game," Chell wrote, "and it goes like this:"

Chell lambasted the "criminal conduct" carried out by "entitled non-accountable students" and the support they unabashedly received from Cabán, which he called "a colossal disgrace." That was a "horrifying affront to democracy," Chell shot back. "This was an abject failure of how civilized people are expected to behave in society while continually acting like a perpetual victim."

"Remember everyone, if you want change, seek the change you want by getting involved. Then you know what to do," he urged.

However, he deleted his response sometime Thursday afternoon after Cabán's cronies piled on to Chell's post.

"This post is unacceptable on so many levels: inappropriate, unethical, dangerous. Regardless of where you personally stand, an official government account should not be used in this way. This post incites violence against a government official," NYC Councilor Pierina Sanchez, an "Afro-Dominicana" using "She/Ella" pronouns, reacted. "@NYCMayor must have this removed."

"How is an official government account allowed to speak to another government official in this way? Regardless of how you feel and where you stand ideologically this is dangerous and a gross use of an official Government account!" another councilor said.

More left-wing members of the city's council joined in defending Cabán before Chell ultimately deleted the post.

Townhall reached out to the NYPD's public information office for comment on Chell's now-removed remarks but did not receive a response by publication time.

Cabán isn't the first leftist New York official that Chell has publicly blasted.

Last week, Chell shut down "Squad" member Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who's been encouraging the intimidation campaigns of pro-terrorism students on college campuses. Taking to X to defend the pro-Hamas agitators who were occupying Columbia, the New York congresswoman chastised the school administration for making the "horrific decision" to mobilize NYPD.

"Truly amazing! Columbia decided to hold its students accountable to the laws of the school. They are seeing the consequences of their actions. Something these kids were most likely never taught. Good SAT scores and self-entitlement do not supersede the law. I am sure you would agree that we have to teach them these valuable life skills," Chell countered in an April 25 post on X.

The head honcho of police patrol noted he was with the units she smeared as having "the most violent reputations." Chell said the students were removed with "great care and professionalism." Not a single incident was reported despite AOC's theatrics.

"The only incidents that day on campus were the student's hateful anti-Semitic speech and vile language towards our cops. I am sure you agree any hateful speech is unacceptable. You should rethink your comments to a simple thank you to the NYPD and hate has no place in our society. Maybe you should walk around Columbia and NYU and listen to their remarks of pure hatred. I will ensure those 'units' will protect you as they do for all NYers 24/7/365," he posted. "Lack of accountability = consequences."

"Hate from anyone, anywhere has no place in our city and country," Chell added.

Following the NYPD breaking up the Columbia encampment, Chell appeared on NewsNation's "On Balance with Leland Vittert" to praise the operation and send a message nationwide. "Our cops performed admirably," Chell said in the TV interview Wednesday, "and we had no issues and we set the tone for the country, the city for everyone to watch."

"What we're doing is we're holding these students accountable," Chell stated. "These are some spoiled kids who think they can do what they want. No accountability, no consequences, backed up by teachers who are on the same page with them."

Though the NYPD supports the right to protest, Chell warned that the police force is "not going to put up" with lawlessness. "We're going to act fast when we see it. And I think we are doing that, and we're changing the narrative in the city," Chell said.