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Ben Rhodes May Have Just Won the Most Tasteless Tweet of 2017

And here's a late entry for "most tasteless tweet of 2017," courtsey of former President Barack Obama's foreign policy advisor Ben Rhodes.


The tweet was in response to former Obama advisor Dan Pfeiffer tweeting one of President Donald Trump's Instagram photos, saying that he hopes the image is used when Trump is impeached. Rhodes took it up a notch by saying that he hopes the picture is run alongside the obituaries for Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), and Vice President Mike Pence.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, this didn't go over too well on both the left or the right.


Ryan's Press Secretary AshLee Strong said that Rhodes' rhetoric was dangerous and could inspire violence. 

This is a pretty distasteful joke, especially in light of how several Republican members of Congress were nearly murdered earlier this year in June. It's just not funny, nor is it appropriate--especially from a former White House official. 

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