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Here's Jim Jordan's Pitch to House Republicans As Speaker Vote Approaches

AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) earned the support of a few more key holdouts opposing his bid to become Speaker of the House, including Reps. Ann Wagner (R-MO) and Mike Rogers (R-AL). Their decision to throw their support behind Jordan is a hopeful sign for those who want the House to be running on all cylinders as the deadline for a government shutdown again draws nearer and action to support Israel against Iran-backed terrorists becomes more critical. 


In a Dear Colleague letter sent to his fellow lawmakers on Monday, Jordan made his case for why remaining holdouts should put their faith in him to lead the House through what is an increasingly dicey time at home and abroad:

The principles that unite us as Republicans are far greater than the disagreements that divide us. And the differences between us and our Democrat colleagues vastly outweigh our internal divisions. The country and our conference cannot afford us attacking each other right now. It is time we unite to get back to work on behalf of the American people.

As Republicans, we are blessed to have an energetic conference comprised of members with varied backgrounds, experiences, and skills—just like the country we represent. We may not always agree on every issue or every bill, and that's all right. We don't march in lock-step like our Democrat colleagues. We value the discussion and robust debate that generates effective public policies rooted in common-sense, conservative principles. 

It's an honor to receive our conference's nomination as Speaker-designate. Over the past weeks, each of you have communicated the issues that matter most to you and your constituents. We've discussed frustrations about the treatment of Kevin McCarthy and Steve Scalise and the events of the past month. You've been honest and open, and I appreciate the candid conversations. In these conversations, we've also discussed your thoughts on how we can best move forward. And we must move forward. 

The role of a Speaker is to bring all Republicans together. That's what I intend to do. We will make sure there are more Republican voices involved in our major decisions beyond the Five Families. Our goal will be to empower our committees and committee chairs to take the lead on the House's legislative work through regular order. This will bring us together to pass responsible legislation to fund our government and support our military. I will tirelessly work to defend and expand our majority and help every Republican member back at home.

Our Republican vision for America is grounded in boundless optimism. America is a national of explorers and risk-takers. There is nothing that the United States can't achieve and no limit to our nation's success. As Republicans, we innately believe these things. When Republicans come together, there is no measure to what we can achieve for the American people.


The House is expected to take up Jordan's speakership bid with a full vote on the floor on Tuesday around noon.

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