There's been another development in the Arkansas case involving Hunter Biden and Lunden Roberts — the former stripper with whom Hunter fathered an illegitimate daughter.
As Townhall reported in April, Hunter was in hot water with the circuit court judge — Holly Meyer — presiding over his case after the first kid sought to have his child support payments reduced and fought against his daughter taking the Biden family name:
According to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, "Hunter Biden must appear in all court hearings concerning his Arkansas paternity case, including one scheduled for May 1," after Independence County Circuit Judge Holly Meyer grew frustrated with delays caused by remote proceedings and ordered Hunter's presence on Monday.
In addition to ordering Hunter to attend hearings, Judge Meyer also ordered his brief love interest Lunden Roberts to appear as well. "From now on...I want both of your clients at every hearing I conduct," Meyer said according to the report. "I will no longer allow us to excuse clients...because it is interfering with the progress of litigation, which is taking way too long to get over simple points."
Months later, it turns out Judge Meyer is still dealing with Hunter Biden's refusal to fully participate in the proceedings. According to Business Insider's reporting of court records, Meyer "threatened to jail Hunter Biden unless he appears in court to answer questions about his finances and more as part of a child support lawsuit over his 4 year-old daughter, court papers show."
Specifically, those documents include a court order for Hunter Biden to again appear in-person in her Arkansas courtroom to face questions from his baby mama's lawyer and hand over financial documents from 2013. Those, presumably, are needed to verify Hunter's claim that he shouldn't have to pay as much for his daughter, who remains unacknowledged by Hunter or the rest of the first family.
If Hunter does not appear and cooperate with the order on July 10, he could be held in contempt. That development could see him punished with, according to the judge's order, up to six months in jail, a fine, and up to $20,000 of Roberts' legal bills and potentially see his claims in the case tossed out.
Hunter, who refused to admit Roberts' daughter was his until he was forced to take a paternity test proving the child's relation, is seeking to have his current $20K/month child support payments reduced while also fighting to prevent his daughter from using Biden as her last name.
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