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Trump Has Higher Approval Rating In This State Than Its Dem Gov

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

New Yorkers are fed up with its Democratic leadership that has destroyed what once was a beautiful city with many opportunities, and Americans are beginning to wake up to what the left has in store for the country. 


In a twist of events, Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul’s (D-NY) approval rating has dipped below former President Donald Trump’s among likely New York voters. 

According to a Siena College survey, just 34 percent of New Yorkers have a favorable view of Hochul, with 54 percent viewing her poorly— down from 39-50 percent from the last poll in August. Among Democrats, only liberals and Black voters view the governor more favorably than unfavorably. However, Hochul’s popularity among Independent and young voters is hanging on by a knife’s edge. Only 18 percent of independents and 24 percent of young voters approve of her job handling. 

On the contrary, 39 percent of the Empire State’s residents have a favorable opinion about Trump. 

Hochul’s unfavorability rating is the highest it’s ever been, putting her net favorability at -20 percent. Meanwhile, Trump’s net favorability is at -18 percent.

Siena College pollster Steven Greenberg pointed out that the governor’s favorability rating “has never been outstanding,” but highlighted that “Hochul’s favorability rating, 20 points underwater, is worse than Trump’s, 18 points underwater.”

He also noted that the net favorability of every other person polled in September has not changed more than one or two points. However, Hochul’s numbers fell by a massive nine points.


“While Hochul’s favorability rating has never been outstanding — she’s never been viewed favorably by 50 percent of voters in a state where 49 percent of the voters are Democrats — it has now hit an all-time low, 34-54 percent," Greenberg said. "Her job approval rating, 39-56 percent, is also a record low.” 

Trump held a rally in New York on Wednesday where thousands of people showed up in support.  

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