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Over 40 Mayors Beg Joe Biden to Create Jobs Program for Illegal Immigrants

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Dozens of U.S. mayors are proposing a plan for the millions of illegal immigrants who have stormed the southern border rather than deport them back to the countries they came from. 


In a letter addressed to the Biden Administration, more than 40 mayors pleaded with President Joe Biden to expedite work permits for illegal immigrants so that they can take over American jobs. 

We, leaders representing local governments around the country are writing to respectfully request that the Department of Homeland Security leverage its authority to grant parole for long-term undocumented immigrants and our most recent arrivals to create a process for streamlined work authorization. 

Our request is rooted in the belief that extending the dignity of legal authorization to work for our residents born in Mexico, Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, and other countries would be a positive step forward. These individuals have embraced the United States as their home and have, over decades, worked diligently, paid taxes, raised families, started businesses, and bought homes. 

Both recent arrivals and the long-standing undocumented community are susceptible to dangerous work conditions and exploitation that often result when individuals lack access to work authorization and the protections that come with it. It is our strong recommendation that in the development of this program, worker safety and worker choice is prioritized, and a worker’s legal presence is not solely tied to their employment by a single employer. Via the letter. 


The mayors who penned the letter include Democrats New York City Mayor Eric Adams, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson, and Boston Mayor Michelle Wu. 

Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt criticized the mayor’s request, saying that the Democrat Party refuses to put Americans first. 

“President Trump will put America and the American worker first,” Leavitt said. “He will seal the border, stop the invasion, and expand economic opportunity for American citizens, not illegal aliens.”

A White House spokesperson said that the president is “constantly evaluating possible policy options” as tens of millions of illegal aliens flood the U.S. interior. “The administration remains committed to ensuring those who are eligible for relief can receive it quickly and to building an immigration system that is fairer and more humane.” 

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