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The Biden White House: 'Where Residents Feel Like Presidents'

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Hours after First Lady Jill Biden defended her husband's declining health and old age, former President Trump took an apparent dig at the 81-year-old president. 

Trump released a video mocking President Joe Biden's advancing years by comparing the White House to a senior living facility, featuring a sunken-looking president enjoying pizza, ice cream, and outdoor activities— much like elderly people do in retirement homes. 

"Our vibrant facility offers delightful activities and outings, around-the-clock professional care, and exquisite house-made meals," the narrator said. "White House senior living, where residents feel like presidents."

The video zoomed to shots of Biden at the beach, followed by clips of Jill Biden helping her husband put on his jacket as his sunglasses hang loosely off his head. 

Biden— known more for his beach vacations and chocolate chip ice cream than any presidential achievements— has faced immense scrutiny over his age and physical well-being as he seeks another four years in office. 

The president is the oldest person to be elected commander-in-chief and has proven he is not up for the job on more than one occasion. 

"Oh, I've been eating everything that's been put in front of me, all Italian food basically," Biden says in a clip while Jill Biden sits beside him.

"And ice cream," the First Lady responds, pointing to her husband. 

"And ice cream," the president says in agreement, confirming that it is "chocolate chip ice cream."

Earlier this week, Jill Biden claimed her husband's old age is an "asset" to the country, given how much "vigor" and "energy" he has. 

However, Biden can barely make it through an interview without forgetting where he is or what he is supposed to say. 

Hell, the president can't even make it up a flight of stairs or across a stage without falling face-first into the ground. 

According to an October Monmouth University poll, 48 percent of voters believe Biden is too old to be president. 


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