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Biden’s Odd Vietnam Presser Ends With Him Feeling Tired and Promising to Not Isolate the CCP

AP Photo/Sergei Grits

President Joe Biden wrapped up his Vietnam press conference with nothing short of rambles and gaffes after attending the 2023 Group of 20 Summit. 

On Sunday, Biden told reporters that he had to "go to bed" while answering a question about China's relationship with the United States. 


"But I tell you what, I don't know about you, but I'm going to go to bed," Biden said. 

During the presser at the Vietnamese capital of Hanoi, a reporter asked Biden what he and Chinese Premier Li Qiang discussed during the summit. 

"Yeah, we talked…we talked about…we talked about it at the conference. Overall, we talked about stability," Biden mumbled. "We talked about making sure that the Third World, the Third World….the Southern Hemisphere had access to change. It had access."

Shortly after telling reporters that the meeting was not "confrontational," the president was quickly whisked off stage by his staff. 

"Thank you, everybody. This ends the press conference," a staffer abruptly said. "Thanks, everyone."

Earlier in the press conference, Biden talked about a new era of cooperation in Vietnam, saying that his intention is not to "contain" Communist China despite its aggression toward the U.S. 

He argued that the United States and Vietnam are critical partners at a very crucial time, adding that this "can be the beginning of even a greater era of cooperation."


Then, Biden— who has been extensively criticized for selling out the U.S.— said that he wants the country to have a solid relationship with China and to see the communist government succeed financially. 

Biden's comments come as he faces several investigations into his son Hunter Biden's receipt of millions of dollars in funding from Chinese Communist Party-connected business people.

"It's not about isolating China. It's about making sure the rules of the road – everything from airspace and space in the ocean and the international rules of the road – are abided by," Biden concluded. 

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