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MTG Holds Up Disturbing Sexual Images of Hunter Biden at IRS Whistleblower Hearing

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) held nothing back while questioning IRS whistleblowers during the House Oversight hearing, shocking Democrats with a stunning move. 


To prove just how corrupt and morally disgusting Hunter Biden is, Greene held up controversial, explicit images from the president’s son’s laptop,

“Before we begin, I would like to let the committee and everyone watching at home know that parental discretion is advised,” the Republican began before holding up small posters containing graphic sexual photos from the laptop hard drive that purportedly belonged to Hunter Biden, which were censored with black boxes.

The faces of the people in the photos were blacked out. However, Hunter’s face was still visible to the audience. 

“These images of Hunter Biden making sex – excuse me, this is my time – making pornography,” Greene said to Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), who condemned the photos, asking if they should be allowed to be displayed. 

“Did a lady’s time expire?” Chairman Rep. James Comer (R-KY) asked, trying to conceal a smile. 

The Georgia Republican claimed Hunter Biden had improperly used his company to write off payments to prostitutes, which IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler would not confirm during Wednesday’s hearing. 


However, he did confirm there were deductions for what he believed to be escorts, adding that a payment reported to be for a golf club membership was actually for a “sex club.”

Greene also questioned the Mann Act, which criminalizes the transportation of women across state lines for the sole purpose of prostitution. 

“I would like to present this to the committee. This shows Hunter Biden paying for a victim’s United [Airlines] flight from LA to Dulles,” Greene said, holding up evidence. “I believe this is a violation of the Mann Act. He bought it for this woman right here. He flew her from Los Angeles to Washington on June 14th and flew her back to Los Angeles, California on June 15th of 2018.”

Ziegler said that he couldn’t personally talk about the act but could turn over compelling information that would justify Mann Act violations to the House Ways and Means Committee, which Greene could then request.

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