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EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Marshall's Bill to Stop Biden Admin's Taxpayer-Funded Abortions for Illegal Immigrants

AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib

Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS), who also is an OB/GYN, is leading the introduction of a bill, known as the No Taxpayer Funds for Illegal Alien Abortions Act, to ensure that the Biden administration does not fund abortions for illegal immigrants with taxpayer funds. Townhall received a first look exclusive on a press release of the bill being introduced, which so far has several original cosponsors and supporting organizations on board.


In a statement, Sen. Marshall highlighted that the only form of travel for illegal immigrants that should be paid for is deportation. "No American’s tax dollars should pay for any illegal alien’s abortion, just like they should not pay for any American citizen’s abortion. Deportations are the only form of government-funded travel ICE should be providing to illegal immigrants. Additionally, with a major strain on resources and manpower on the southern border, we should be prioritizing activities performed by ICE and HHS that keep Americans safe," he said. 

The senator also pointed to the Biden administration's pro-abortion agenda. "We’ve seen President Biden and his cabinet secretaries repeatedly abuse their power to enact a radical agenda that is failing the American people. The deterioration of our country will not stop unless Congress acts to put a check on this far left administration," he added. 

Last month, as Madeline highlighted, a report from CNN indicated that pregnant minors in custody may be given "needed services" that include abortion, which is done through the Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) Office of Refugee Resettlement. 

Under this bill, any ICE or HHS employee or contractor would be prohibited from transporting any illegal immigrant across state lines to procure an abortion. It would also prohibit any funds for ICE or HHS from being used to pay for an abortion, except to save the life of the mother or if she became pregnant due to rape or incest, or require any person to perform or facilitate in any way an abortion. 


Other original cosponsors of the bill include Sens. Marsha Blackburn (TN), Mike Braun (IN), Steve Daines (MT), Cindy Hyde-Smith (MS), James Inhofe (OK), James Lankford (OK), Mike Lee (UT), Rick Scott (FL), and Roger Wicker (MS), all whom are pro-life Republicans. 

Statements from the senators all highlighted not only the Biden administration's radical abortion policies, but failures on illegal immigration, as well. 

"A massive wave of illegal immigration is providing cover for human smugglers and sex traffickers. We know that thousands of vulnerable women and girls have fallen victim to these criminals, yet the Biden White House has done nothing to stop it. It’s up to Congress to step in. Joe Biden’s taxpayer-funded welcome package already includes a free phone, free plane ticket, and free baby formula – this legislation will stop the administration from adding free abortions to the list," said Sen. Blackburn, for instance. 

Sen. Daines pointed out that "Rather than getting control of the southern border crisis President Biden created, he wants to ship illegal immigrants across the country to get taxpayer funded abortions. This is a gross abuse of Montanans’ taxpayer dollars and should never be allowed."

Sen. Scott referred to the move as a "horrific" one from this "radical" administration. "Taxpayers should never be on the hook to pay for abortions, and the thought of forcing Americans to foot the bill for transportation so illegal immigrants can get abortions is horrific. Just when you think that the Biden administration couldn’t get any more radical, it doubles down by pairing its failed open borders policies with its extreme anti-life agenda," he said, adding that the Biden Administration is engaging in "a gross misuse of taxpayer dollars.


The Biden administration, especially since the U.S. Supreme Court officially overturned Roe v. Wade with its Dobbs v. Jackson decision, has been working overtime to promote and protect abortion. This includes vulnerable populations, such as illegal immigrants and minors

Sen. Lankford particularly highlighted Biden's pro-abortion record in his statement. "In a new low, even for the most pro-abortion President in US history, President Biden apparently only wants pregnant women, including minors, who illegally cross our southern border to be placed in states where they can get an abortion," he said, adding that Biden's "priority seems to be increasing abortions in America, rather than stopping illegal immigration or protecting the lives of children."

Concerns not only exist that the Biden administration is promoting abortion, but doing so with taxpayer funds. 

The Biden administration has not merely promoted abortion since Roe was overturned, though. In multiple budget proposals, President Joe Biden has left out the Hyde Amendment, which protects taxpayers from having to fund elective abortions. Though Hyde ultimately made its way into the omnibus for 2022, Biden did not seem to learn his lesson, since he also left it out of his next budget proposal. 

Sen. Hyde-Smith mentioned the Hyde Amendment in her statement about Marshall's bill. "The Biden administration’s willingness to act outside the law makes this legislation necessary.  The Hyde Amendment restricts the use of taxpayer dollars to fund abortions.  Whether it be ICE personnel or any other executive branch employee, spending American tax dollars to escort illegal immigrants across state lines for abortions is a clear violation of the law. It must be stopped," she highlighted. 


The bill is also supported by Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America and the Family Research Council. 

Marilyn Musgrave, who serves as SBA Pro-Life America's Vice President of government affairs, highlighted Sen. Marshall's pro-life credentials, which include his role as a doctor. "With over 25 years of experience as an OB-GYN, Senator Marshall understands there are two patients in every pregnancy – mother and unborn child. As Americans we stand for life regardless of social status and we know both deserve protection from the horror of abortion," she said. 

She too called out the Biden administration, for how it is taking advantage of pregnant immigrants as well. "Many women and girls who make the perilous journey to the United States suffer trauma, including human trafficking, only to be shamefully exploited by the abortion industry under the Biden-Harris administration. We thank Senator Marshall and his colleagues for introducing this compassionate bill to safeguard women and children against the radical abortion-on-demand agenda."

"For 45 years federal law has maintained the principle that taxpayer funds should not be used to subsidize abortion at home and abroad. Thanks to Senator Marshall for carrying this principle forward to ensure that our taxpayer funds are not used to pay for abortions or abortion travel for any detainees in U.S. custody," said Connor Semelsberger, Director of Federal Affairs for Life and Human Dignity, Family Research Council, who, like so many others, referenced Hyde.  


As the press release from Sen. Marshall's office indicates, his first bill since him entering the Senate in 2021, was the Protecting Life in Crisis Act. He's been an original cosponsor of 15 other pro-life bills, beyond the first one and this most recent one to be introduced. 


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