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Sen. Schumer: Biden's 'Explanation' of Tara Reade's Claims is 'Sufficient'

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) deemed former Vice President Joe Biden innocent of Tara Reade’s misconduct claims, after fellow Democratic leaders came to the defense of the former vice president. 


Sen. Schumer told reporters that Biden’s “explanation,” which was just a flat-out denial, is “sufficient” in the eyes of the minority leader.

It was just a year-and-a-half ago that the vehement denial from then-Judge Brett Kavanaugh, while no real evidence or corroboration could be brought against him, was not a sufficient denial in the eyes of Sen. Schumer. The minority leader's reasoning for standing by Biden revealed his true priority, which has little to do with “believing women,” as he previously claimed, and everything to do with putting Democrats in power:

Sen. Schumer is the latest Democrat to be confronted with previous rhetoric on the issue of sexual assault for those seeking higher office or power. Unsurprisingly, Sen. Schumer was one of the fiercest voices in opposition to the confirmation of then-Judge Brett Kavanaugh, as the Conservative jurist faced allegations of misconduct that were less credible than those brought against Biden.


On the credibility of allegations, which has become increasingly political, Sen. Schumer took Dr. Ford at her word:

“I think the allegations of Professor Ford are extremely credible. She took a lie detector test. She talked about this to her come out and say something like this puts you and your family through incredible scrutiny. People throw brick bats at you and everything else. She didn’t do it on a whim. I don’t think she did it for political reasons. She has a great deal of credibility,” Sen. Schumer said.

By the minority leader’s own logic, he should believe the credibility of Tara Reade; indeed, her case comes with a host of evidence and contemporaneous corroboration that was not brought against then-Judge Kavanaugh, which only weakens Sen. Schumer’s defense of Biden.

In the case of Kavanaugh, Sen. Schumer advocated for the confirmation to be delayed, due to the importance of the integrity of the high court, in order to fully investigate the claims of Dr. Ford: 


“You know what, a rush to judgment, trying to rush this through on Thursday is an insult to the women of America and an insult to the majesty of the Supreme Court of the United States.”

Now, less than two years later, as his party’s nominee faces substantive, graphic allegations of sexual misconduct while seeking the highest office in the land, Sen. Schumer suddenly has no interest in an investigation for the sake of an institution. 

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