CNN anchor Chris Cuomo had some words of shame for conservative female icon Kimberly Corban, who is also a rape survivor and advocate of the Second Amendment. Corban was recently a Ted-X Mile High speaker and visits college campuses frequently to talk about her experience, advocate for sexual assault awareness and argue for concealed carry as a defense mechanism for women in order to deter these heinous sex crimes.
The video in question, put forth by NRA-TV, is highly uncontroversial; Corban simply advocates for protecting her family with her firearms, as protected by the Second Amendment:
"I'm a mother of two, and if a predator or anyone else tries to harm me or my family, they have to come through my firearm first." —Kim Corban #WednesdayWisdom
— NRATV (@NRATV) May 29, 2019
Yet, the CNN host had this response to Corban’s sentiments:
Only in America
— Christopher C. Cuomo (@ChrisCuomo) May 29, 2019
Conservatives on Twitter erupted in defense of Corban and against this despicable attack by Cuomo, a supposedly objective journalist.
Kim Corban is a rape survivor who is now choosing to tell her story & arm and protect herself. I think a real question is why so many men in the media always treat conservative women like our values, life experiences and perspective is some kind of joke. Like we are valued less.
— Meghan McCain (@MeghanMcCain) May 29, 2019
You should probably take a moment and google who Kim Corban is, Chaplinksy.
— Stephen Miller (@redsteeze) May 29, 2019
Yes, you're right. Only in America can a woman feel empowered enough to defend herself and her family from a criminal. Thank you #2A. Kim Corban is an example of someone who didn't allow a criminal to ruin her life. She now empowers others.
— Dania Alexandrino (@DaniaPeriodista) May 29, 2019
You might want explain this tweet a little better to those of us who’ve actually had to face predators in our own homes and defend ourselves without a big strong man like yourself?
— Janice Dean (@JaniceDean) May 29, 2019
It is unclear whether or not Cuomo watched the video or bothered to research who Corban was, or if he was purposely insensitive to someone who has faced such challenges, and speaks for so many women across America. The attack is not surprising, though, given Corban’s conservative ideology and staunch defense of our most basic freedoms.
However, Cuomo is correct, indeed. Only in America can women choose to defend themselves and deter these horrific sex crimes that are the epitome of a violation of another human being; this freedom should be celebrated and treasured, and women who utilize these unique rights should receive no shame.
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