
Huckabee Misleads on Surge Stance

Tonight, Mike Huckabee said:  "I supported the president in the war before you (Romney) did. I supported the surge when you didn't."

But this is from one year ago:

MSNBC's NORAH O'DONNELL: "We have a Rudy Giuliani, who supports the president's plan on Iraq. We have Governor Mitt Romney, who also supports a troop surge. How are you different from any of those candidates."

HUCKABEE: "Well, I'm not sure that I support the troop surge, if that surge has to come from our Guard and Reserve troops, which have really been overly stretched." (MSNBC's "Live," 1/24/07)

Of course, John McCain supported the troop sure before all the candidates.  Still, the Romney folks have clearly caught Mike Huckabee, um, "mis-remembering" at the debate tonight ...

... In other debate news, Rudy's campaign wants you to know Romneycare is essentially socialized medicine.