
Mike Bouchard: Taking on Dangerous Incompetence and Winning

I learn over at Ace's today that the Michigan Senate race is movin' on up the '06 Political Nerd Ladder:

In a cycle that has given Republicans little reason for optimism, this race is one of the few that brings a smile to GOP strategists. Why? Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard (R) won a surprisingly easy primary victory last month and hails from the right part of the state to be competitive in the general election. Republicans believe incumbent Debbie Stabenow (D) is imminently beatable, arguing that she has accomplished almost nothing during her six years in the Senate.

His new website, which is very bloggy and YouTubey and all the fun Internet things I enjoy, should definitely help. Here's his blog, which features a local TV news piece about the local Sheriff's reflections on 9/11.

Bouchard also wrote a column for Townhall today. He talks about those fiscal, tax-cutting issues I love so much.

I enjoyed this commercial. You should watch it a) because his daughter is adorable and really good in it and b) because positive, entertaining campaign commercials don't come around that often.

You can make this win even more of a possibility by donating to Bouchard's campaign through Rightroots. Seriously, you have an option of Bouchard or this gentlewoman

You know you wanna help Bouchard. And, you can.

Update: For electoral politics with a different accent, try the Bob Corker interview on the Glenn and Helen Show today.