
Needles Update: Heck Yeah, We're Fit To Print.

Didja ever doubt it? Don't answer that.

It seems that the very bluest of editorial pages thinks the red editorial pages in those pesky fly-over states are worth a mention, too. Cool.

Andy's and my list of free-market/conservative editorial pages made the NY Times Select blog, written by Chris Suellentrop.

Here's the little, baby mention they gave The List:

The laissez-faire Club for Growth provides a list of newspapers that it says have "free market editorial pages."

Yes, they must qualify "free-market editorial pages" with quotes but, hey, it's a link. And who would have thought any enthusiasm for intellectual diversity among editorial pages would come from the NYT?

Now, if only the blog weren't behind that pesky, elitist subscription wall, maybe we'd get some traffic to the list.