
Apoplexy Delayed

About those Coburn earmark amendments I mentioned earlier...

"Mr. President, I'd like to respectfully request permission to submit an amendment requiring the distinguished gentleman from Oregon to please, for the love of chili dogs, Mother Mary, and the great American game, just STOP TALKING."

It seems that Sen. Ron Wyden is very angry about something. It has something to do with oil and royalties and tax cuts. I've been listening to him talk about it since 9:30 this morning and I still don't know what he's saying.

Anyway, due to Wyden's marathon lip-flappery (which, yes, is a parliamentary term), debate on the Coburn amendments will be delayed, as will my blogging on the senatorial apoplexy it brings about. And, I so looked forward to it.


I'll keep you updated.

UPDATE 4 p.m.: The debate has begun. I'm live-blogging it, here.

UPDATE: Um. Wow. We won. The Republican-led Congress voted not to spend $15 million dollars of our money. Well done, guys. Check the live-blogging for more detail.