
McCain: Scott Brown is “the One I Want Most in the United States Senate”

On Sunday, former presidential candidate and Vietnam War hero John McCain made a pit stop in Massachusetts to campaign on behalf of one of his favorite Washington lawmakers: Scott Brown. During his remarks, he commended the incumbent Senator’s years of service to the Commonwealth and urged supporters (and especially the military veterans in attendance) to get out and vote for him on Election Day. The energy is palpable:

“This man is the one I want most in the United States Senate”

Perhaps one thing people don’t realize about Senator Brown is that he is still serving in the United States military -- and has been for more than 32 years. (He even served a stint in Afghanistan for seven days in 2011). Even so, he faces a tough re-election bid in November against a liberal Democrat and Harvard Law professor who raised an eye-popping $12.1 million (!) last quarter.

And as Scott Brown is certainly one of the most moderate Republicans in the upper chamber (and perhaps the least partisan) conservatives everywhere should care about this election. Why? Because it could very well determine which political party controls the United States Senate for the next two years.

But John McCain isn’t the only GOP lawmaker stumping for Mr. Brown these days. In fact, New Hampshire Senator Kelly Ayotte tweeted this photo earlier today -- presumably from an impromptu campaign rally in Haverhill, Massachusetts:


One week from Tuesday Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren will once again face off in front of the cameras for their fourth and final debate. Seven days later, Massachusetts voters will have an opportunity to either re-elect the nation’s second most bipartisan Senator -- or replace him with a candidate suspected of plagiarism and academic fraud.

It’s going to be an interesting few weeks.