
NRI Summitting

I went to the NRI Summit last night. Got home late, so I'll have to write more on it later.

Right now, I'm off to another conference for the day, so I won't be at the NR one, which is sad because the line-up is great.

Last  night was fun. Got to meet Kathryn Lopez, who's been one of my reads since before I was a blogger. Also got to meet a ton of readers, which was really exciting. The Girl Power panel was entertaining-- Kate O'Biern, Mona Charen, Michelle Malkin, Kathryn Lopez, and Laura Ingraham. The sentiment of all the panelists on Republicans was a tad, "Eh, what are we gonna do with 'em?"

One of my favorite lines was, when asked why Republican leadership didn't seem to often stand up and fight for what the Party believes in, Charen related a line she'd heard about Republicans once-- "'In their hearts, they know they're wrong,' and that's how they act."

She's right. The general consensus was we're waiting for another Reagan, and we may be waiting a long while. Topics were all over the place, so if you can catch a rerun of it on C-SPAN, I'd recommend it.

I'll be back at the Summit Sunday morning.