
Allen West: President Obama is an Abject Failure in Everything He’s Done!

Two days ago, Rep. Allen West (R-FL) gave an inspiring and must-watch speech at a tax day rally in Wellington, Florida. Speaking extemporaneously, he explained that the coming presidential election was basically a choice between two futures (and echoing the sentiments of House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan), reminded his audience that re-electing President Obama in November will have devastating consequences for the current generation and posterity.

During his remarks, though, I was particularly struck by how warmly he spoke about his parents. During the 1920s and 1930s, for example, he recounted how his mother and father faced unbelievable hardships growing up and later raising their family in South Georgia. Despite widespread racism and segregation, however, they never instilled in their son the belief that he was a victim. Instead, they taught him to pursue his dreams and take advantage of all the opportunities available to him as an American citizen.

Presumably, one of the reasons Congressman West entered political life was to preserve and protect the American Dream, which he believes is slowly but surely slipping away. “Never let anyone tell you,” he said to an enthusiastic audience, “that you cannot reach whatever level of achievement that you determine within your heart that you can have. That’s America.”

The Left, he argues, believes in preserving a culture of dependency on government handouts which undermines the entrepreneurial spirit of the American people and weakens the nation. Perhaps above all, though, he eviscerated President Obama for his abdication of leadership and trillion dollar deficits, even going as far as to say that “he is an abject failure in everything he’s done.”

The speech is nearly 20 minutes long. That said – if you’re pressed for time - I would highly recommend watching at least the first 5 minutes. It’ll get you fired up.

(Via The Right Scoop):