
Foley 'Bombshell' Coming?

That's what ABC's "breaking" band says.

Foley's lawyer's holding a press conference. Stay tuned.

Isn't it weird that a "bombshell" is coming from Foley's lawyer? As his lawyer, wouldn't he want to avoid bombshell press conferences for the time being? It seems if there were a bombshell coming, it'd come from the pages' families or Dem operatives. This oughtta be interesting.

Update: Wait, that's the bombshell? Foley was molested as a kid by a priest?

He should have kept his mouth shut, I think. This makes it look like he's excusing/mitigating his behavior, which I know is the point of a lawyer, but it doesn't help to come out with this when everyone in America is still seething about what Foley did. Wait a while and use it in court-- not as a P.R. offensive.