
The Gregory Meltdown Continues

UPDATE: Here's the audio. I missed it earlier.

Perhaps all the criticism from the David Gregory's birdshot blow-up of two weeks ago is taking its toll.

Drudge is reporting that NBC's Chief White House Correspondent called into the Imus morning show this morning from India, and was apparently DRUNK.

Excerpts from the transcript (but you should definitely read the whole thing):

IMUS: Let's go to the White House correspondent David Gregory.


IMUS: You can calls us later if you want.

GREGORY: [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter]

IMUS: Are you drunk?

GREGORY: [Laughter] [Laughter]

IMUS: Are you all right David?

GREGORY: India is a wonderful language and I've been learning, where's my little sheet here. I've been learning some new phrases to come home. But any way, that being one of them and i just think it's nice. ...

GREGORY: I just think it's funny. [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter]

CHARLES: He's drunk.

IMUS: He is drunk!

CHARLES: Oh god.

IMUS: Why don't you compose yourself and get back to us. You want to?

GREGORY: [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter]...

GREGORY: I'll call you after dinner.

IMUS: NBC Chief White House Correspondant from New Delhi, India. Clearly drunk.

Oh, Lordy. I should note he was calling from India, so he at least wasn't drinking in the States at 6 a.m.