
The Dao of Mahmie Ahmie

Ahh, it's all clear now.

So, the Iranian definition for the word "death" is something akin to the moonbat definition for the word "fast."

Also, Ahmadinejad skipped out on a lunch with President Bush and other leaders today because of the wine, you see? The Times Online reports it this way:

A BOTTLE of wine could be all that saves President Bush from a nasty face-to-face encounter at the UN today with his rival, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the President of Iran.

Not to get all high-school here, but Ahmie's the one skipping the lunch, not Bush. It ain't the wine that's saving George; it's Ahmadinejad's reluctance to meet up with him. And, the rough, tough cowboy says, "thank goodness for the wine or I woulda been toast." No, I don't think so.

Update: Broken link fixed.