
HamNation: Teachers We Like

While I was at the VFW Convention this week, I saw the organization give three special teachers the National Citizenship Education Awards for their work in helping students learn and appreciate American history and American veterans.

Since we conservatives hear a lot about the teachers who are teaching anti-Americanism, diversity at the expense of patriotism, and multi-culturalism above all, I thought a HamNation treatment was in order for Lisa Wyatt of Running Brushy Middle School in Cedar Park, Texas, who teamed with her school, her local VFW, and troops abroad to send a special thank-you to thousands of troops in harm's way.

Wyatt, who became a teacher in the wake of 9/11 as a way to give back, said the project ran up against very little resistance and has made a huge impact on her kids.

"The parents have been very supportive," she said. "This isn't about the war. It's about the soldier."

The students are "unbelievably touched" when soldiers write them personal notes and letters back, and many have formed lasting penpal relationships with soldiers overseas.

More on those other two teachers later...