
Secret Holdin' On For One More Day (<strong>Update:</strong> Down to 3?)

Wilson Phillips: Because really bad senators deserve nothing but really bad pop. (Update: Oops, video corrected to actual Wilson Phillips video)

We're up to 73 denials on the secret hold.

Things are moving so fast, the updating is behind over at Porkbusters, but TPM Muckrakers has a list, too, as this is a rare Kumbaya moment for the blogosphere before we all go back to back-biting.

Keep calling...

Allah has a guess, but he's wrong. It remains to be seen what he will lose in this wager.

Here's your list of possible culprits:

Baucus, Max- (D - MT)
Bayh, Evan- (D - IN)*
Bond, Christopher S.- (R - MO)
Bunning, Jim- (R - KY)
Byrd, Robert C.- (D - WV)
Carper, Thomas R.- (D - DE)*
Chambliss, Saxby- (R - GA)*
Conrad, Kent- (D - ND)
Crapo, Mike- (R - ID)
Domenici, Pete V.- (R - NM)
Dorgan, Byron L.- (D - ND)
Gregg, Judd- (R - NH)
Harkin, Tom- (D - IA)
Hatch, Orrin G.- (R - UT)
Johnson, Tim- (D - SD)
Kennedy, Edward M.- (D - MA)
Leahy, Patrick J.- (D - VT)
Levin, Carl- (D - MI)
Murkowski, Lisa- (R - AK)
Reid, Harry- (D - NV)*
Rockefeller, John D., IV- (D - WV)
Sarbanes, Paul S.- (D - MD)
Stabenow, Debbie- (D - MI)
Stevens, Ted- (R - AK)
Talent, James M.- (R - MO)

Update: Up to 86 denials.

Update 3:43pm: TPM Muckraker's got the list down to 11.

Bond, Christopher S.- (R - MO)
Byrd, Robert C.- (D - WV)
Carper, Thomas R.- (D - DE)*
Chambliss, Saxby- (R - GA)*
Crapo, Mike- (R - ID)
Gregg, Judd- (R - NH)
Hatch, Orrin G.- (R - UT)
Reid, Harry- (D - NV)*
Rockefeller, John D., IV- (D - WV)
Sarbanes, Paul S.- (D - MD)
Stevens, Ted- (R - AK)

Porkbusters has 9:

Stevens, Carper, Martinez, Crapo, Gregg, Chafee, Hatch, Bennett Rockefeller

Hot Air marks it down to 7. Byrd is in the clear, according to Porkbusters, so it may be that Allah owes me.

Update: Flip says we're at 6.


Whodunit? Vote in the secret-holder poll while you still can! Byrd was up, but he Stevens and Bond were the most likely candidates, and Stevens is the only one left of that group.

If it's Stevens, this may make great angry-old-guy footage on C-SPAN. He was ill about the Bridge to Nowhere and it showed. There were hints dropped about outraged resignation over that pork project. This could get interesting.

Update: Political Pitbull points the Stevens-tantrum link out to me. Thanks! 

Update: Erick Erickson picks the Alaskan, too.

He was so mad about the Bridge to Nowhere, and he was mad at Coburn. I think that's gotta be it.

Update: Rockefeller cleared. That makes 5. H/t Flip.

  • Ted Stevens (R-AK)
  • Tom Carper (D-DE)
  • Mike Crapo (R-ID)
  • Judd Gregg (R-NH)
  • Orrin Hatch (R-UT)
  • Update: Sen. Frist blogs on the "secret hold":

    So, to get this bill passed, I am calling on all members, when asked by the blog community, to instruct their staff to answer whether or not they have a hold, honestly and transparently, so I can pass this bill. And I encourage Minority Leader Reid to do the same.

    Working together, we can clear this legislation for action in September, and send it to the House. This is a moment for participatory democracy in action, an unprecedented cooperation between Senate leadership and the blogosphere to pass a bill.

    Capt. Ed will reportedly have Frist making a bit more solid committment to passing the bill in an interview he's writing up for Captain's Quarters now. He interviewed the Majority Leader while he was in Minnesota.

    Update: Crapo's office won't answer? I just called a couple guys in Hatch's office, but didn't get them on the phone. I'll keep trying.

    Update: Flip IMs-- it's not Carper or Hatch. That leaves Gregg, Crapo, and Stevens...

    Dunh, dunh, DUHNNNNN!