
More Needles

Suggestions keep coming in for conservative editorial pages all over the country. Andy is still filling out the list. I think we have 42 so far (though some states have several, so we aren't as close as it sounds to having one from each state yet).

I got a few yesterday that I didn't get to because of the SOTU last night, but here they are now:

The Kokomo (Ind.) Tribune, which today applauds Sam Alito, John Shadegg and Mike Pence all in one weekly wrap-up.

The reader who suggested the Tribune also pointed me to this special section the paper put out: With Our Troops: The Soldiers' Viewpoint

Both Andy and I got a heads-up yesterday about the Caledonian-Record in St. Johnsbury, Vermont-- another small New England paper moving against a strong liberal tide.

The paper calls McCain and Coburn 100-percent right on earmarks. An editorial page that calls Tom Coburn 100-percent right? Right on.

Several people have recommended the Omaha (Neb.) World-Herald.

Joseph Knippenburg, who blogs at No Left Turns, suggests the Marietta Daily Journal in the Atlanta Metro area.

Thanks for all the help. Hit me at marykatharine at beyondthenews dot com if you've got one of your own.