
2,996 Too Many

I shamelessly stole that headline from my friend and legendary Townhall intern, Katie Favazza.

She's working on a blog-project to memorialize all of the victims of 9/11-- 2,996, one on each blog.

She told me about it a while ago, and I kept meaning to sign up. Today,Michelle Malkin gave Katie a shout-out, and everyone a reminder to sign up.

So, I'm paying tribute to:

Donald F. Greene, age 52.

Place killed: United Airlines Flight 93. Resident of Greenwich, Conn. (USA). Special notes: Passenger.

If you've got a blog, go over and sign up. There are about 600 names left. I think this is going to be a really powerful tribute. Beth's been on this project, too.

If you're a Townhall blogger, e-mail or comment and let me know you're participating, so I can highlight your posts.