
Here's When a CNN Host Lost Her Cookies When Going Through the Latest Trump Polls

CNN’s Kate Bolduan was aghast when colleague Harry Enten broke down the approval numbers for Donald J. Trump. The president has the highest net approval rating than at any time of his presidency. The American public is more aligned with his agenda, and the real estate magnate has a better operation. He’s assembled an ace political team, including Susan Wiles as his chief of staff—President Trump isn’t making the same mistakes as he did last time regarding personnel. It’s much more organized.  

Here's where Bolduan lost her cookies: “Donald Trump’s first net approval rating [in his first month] of his second term is higher than his entire first term,” said Enten. He’s the first president to ever see this happen.  

“I have a really hard time believing this,” cried Bolduan. Enten assured her these are the facts and numbers.  

“This is true. I don't make stuff up. The numbers are the numbers,” he replied. 

Trump isn’t as unpopular as the media or the Democrats make him out to be, which has been known for years. Now, the data is catching up. It’s seeping through, and it cannot be ignored. Trump is back, and Joe Biden being such a miserable failure is a good reason why MAGA is at the peak of its cultural and political power.