
A Democrat Suggested a Republican Rep Was ‘Racist’ Because He Wants a Secure Border. Here’s the Catch.

In a House Homeland Security hearing on Wednesday, a Democrat witness suggested that Republican lawmakers who support restrictions on immigration are racist. These remarks occurred during an exchange with a Republican congressman who is a legal immigrant from Cuba. 

“I believe that immigration should be legal immigration. I disagree with illegal immigration,” Florida Rep. Carlos Gimenez said in the hearing. 

“No,” David Hathaway, sheriff of Santa Cruz County, Arizona, said, before trying to discuss a “racist” ballot proposition in the state that would crack down on illegal immigration. 

“I’m asking you about me. Do you think I’m a racist because I believe in legal immigration and not illegal immigration?” Gimenez said again. 

Hathaway did not answer the question. 

“Do you know who I am? Do you know what my name is? Do you know where I come from?” Gimenez said. 

“I come from Cuba. I am an immigrant. I’m probably the only immigrant in this entire committee,” Carlos said. Two other immigrants in the room spoke up and Gimenez acknowledged them.

“So, what if I were to tell you that 53 percent of registered Hispanics believe in mass deportations? Are they racist too?”

“No,” Hathaway said. 

“What I find offensive is that any time we disagree, you turn to the racist card…No…We believe in the rule of law. Hispanics do believe in the rule of law. We believe, the majority of us believe, in legal immigration. We don’t believe in illegal immigration. I’m an immigrant myself. I love this country,” Gimenez said. 

“Nobody proposes a law on the Canadian border,” Hathaway retorted. 

“Oh, so you’re still saying that we are racist. You’re doubling-down on it, that we are racist…go ahead. Tell me I’m a racist,” Gimenez said. “I’m Hispanic. You’re not. You’re not…So I take offense to that.”