
This Texas Democrat Changed His Tune on the Border Crisis

Texas Democrat Rep. Colin Allred featured the southern border wall in a recent campaign ad, despite the fact that he previously claimed that President Donald Trump’s border wall was “racist.”

According to Fox News, Allred aired a campaign ad in July that showed him walking with law enforcement along part of the border wall as he slammed Sen. Ted Cruz’s record. This is a far cry from his previous stance (via Fox News):

In fact, at an event in 2018, Allred told attendees, "If they build that racist wall, my generation is the one that will tear it down. You're not going to have a wall in this country."

As a representative, he has voted against countless bills that would institute strict changes to address the crisis at the southern border. Most notably, he opposed the H.R. 2 Secure the Border Act, which had been advocated by House and Senate Republicans. The legislation is understood to propose the toughest crackdown on the southern border and illegal immigration in consideration.

He also voted for a resolution to end the national emergency declaration that then-President Trump had made for the southern border and in favor of legislation that would limit the president's ability to suspend or restrict the ability of illegal immigrants to enter the country, among other controversial measures.

In a statement to Fox News, Allred spokesperson Josh Stewart said, “Congressman Allred is laser focused on solutions supported by both parties to fix our broken immigration system and secure our border.”

“Ted Cruz has been in the Senate 12 years and has nothing to show for it. He tanked bipartisan legislation that would secure our border. Lyin’ Ted only cares about himself, and Texans know he will never be part of a real solution,” Steward added.

Townhall covered how Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee for president, flip-flopped on the border crisis late last month.

"If she's elected president, Kamala Harris pledges to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on the wall along the southern border — a project she once opposed and called 'un-American' during the Trump administration," Axios reported.