
Iconic Hollywood Actor Reveals That His Mother Tried to Abort Him Several Times

Over the years, it has come out that several prominent figures in pop culture were nearly aborted. This list includes entertainers like Andrea Bocelli and Justin Bieber and athletes like Tim Tebow. 

Recently, an iconic Hollywood actor revealed that his mother told him growing up that she nearly aborted him.

Award-winning actor Sylvester Stallone revealed this in an interview with his daughters.

Stallone’s daughters, Sophia and Sistine, interviewed him on their podcast “Unwaxed.” 

In the interview, Stallone spoke on the documentary “Sly,” about his life. That’s when he opened up about his childhood and shared that his parents “were not parents” and did not have interest in raising children. 

“I grew up in a really bad household,” he explained. 

At one point, Stallone’s mother told him: “The only reason you’re here is because the hanger didn’t work,” or “bouncing down those steps didn’t cause you to get lost.”

“Truthfully Sylvester, if there was really something wrong with your brain, I would have definitely opened up the window and put you on the window sill and let you freeze because I’d be doing you a favor,” she told him. 

“I almost thought she was joking,” Stallone said. 

Stallone’s daughters were horrified. 

“What type of mother says that to their child?” Sophia said. 

Stallone explained that his mother had a “cruel” upbringing because she was placed into an orphanage when her father remarried and “the new stepmother hated her.”

At the orphanage, she was “terribly molested,” he added.

“I think her ability to ever show love was short-circuited. She literally couldn't stand to be touched or touch at all. I mean, not even a hug,” he explained. 

Stallone is now 78 and has five children. He gained worldwide fame in the hit movie Rocky (1976).

In an interview with The Christian Broadcasting Network almost 20 years ago, he said, "The character of Rocky was built on the idea that he was chosen to do something. That's why the first image in Rocky is the picture of Christ," adding that Jesus is the inspiration for anyone to go the distance.”