
Here's How Police in One Country Responded to Illegal Immigrants Arriving by Boat

A video released this week shows police in Spain ramming their boat into a small vessel carrying illegal immigrants. 

According to several outlets, the incident occurred off the coast of Morocco. The dinghy carrying the illegal immigrants was cruising near Horcas Coloradas Beach in Melilla, a Spanish territory of northern Africa, when a Guardia Civil boat attempted to block its path. 

Then, the police boat rammed into the dinghy, going right over the top of it. The illegal immigrants' vessel nearly capsized. The New York Post reported that the four illegals were tossed into the sea as a result.

After the collision, the four illegal immigrants were rescued and one was hospitalized in Nador, Morocco. Cops later arrested them. 

This area, the Post noted, has been hit by an uptick of illegal immigrant crossings from Africa in recent years. 

Predictably, left-wing advocates were upset by the footage (via NYP):

Aina Vidal, a parliamentary spokesman for Spain’s left-wing coalition government of Sumar, called the collision an “intolerable human disaster.”

Jon Iñarritu, of the leftwing political group EH Bildu, also condemned the “savage deed.”

In the United States, the Coast Guard has intercepted hundreds, if not thousands, of illegal aliens who attempt to land in Florida.

In June, Townhall reported how a total of 305 people fleeing Bahamas and Haiti were rescued from unsafe vessels and returned to their countries of origin over the course of a few days.

Before that, Townhall covered how the Coast Guard repatriated 23 Cubans who were en route to the United States by boat.