
Here's Another Clip of Nancy Pelosi Undercutting a Main January 6 Narrative

We have another clip of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) seething over the fact that no National Guard units were deployed before the January 6 riot. Yet, her ire isn’t directed at Donald Trump, though she was later caught saying she’d hoped the former president came to the Capitol so she could slug him. Being escorted, Pelosi says, “We're calling the National Guard now? They should have been here to start out."

"We have totally failed. We need to take some responsibility for not moving to secure [the Capitol],” she added.

 It undercuts a significant January 6 narrative aimed at Donald Trump: he allowed this to happen and did nothing to secure the grounds before his rally that day. Trump did offer to deploy federal troops—it’s why former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), who sat on the Select J6 Committee, allegedly tried to bury this evidence to keep the anti-Trump narrative alive. DC Mayor Muriel Bowser reportedly rejected Trump’s offer.

 The clips were part of a documentary by Pelosi’s daughter, Alexandra.