
Watch CNN's Scott Jennings Humiliate Some Never Trumper

Scott Jennings shined again against a hostile panel of liberals about the state of the 2024 race. He pushed back against the claim that the GOP is saying that if you vote for Harris, you’re not an American. Not one member could name a prominent Republican who said this, opting to go down the ‘people are saying’ route. Yet, the real loser on the panel was Stuart Stevens, a supposed former GOP strategist, who is a die-hard Never Trump clown who thinks character matters in these contests. 

Jennings embarrassed this man, noting that it’s not wise to ask any Republican to veer so far left that you drive off the cliff. That’s what you’ll get voting for Harris, who has an agenda that is diametrically opposite of anyone who identifies as a Republican. The only argument that this anti-Trump side has is that Kamala Harris isn’t Trump. Also, Trump is an evil man. Stevens’ entire argument is milquetoast. Also, who is this guy? He reeks of the wing of the political strategist class that thinks gold stars for effort are acceptable substitutes for wins. We’re done with that. The rule of law, Stuart? Have you been blind to what this Biden Justice Department has been doing to protect the president’s son? 

Also, Trump has some alleged sketchiness in his personal life—we don’t care. The GOP base doesn’t care, and we’d appreciate it if you stop speaking for actual Republicans. You’re a Democrat—say it. Also, can we stop with the character assessments here? Bill Clinton was credibly accused of rape and won the presidency. If we want to get into the weeds of consent and power dynamics, he sexually assaulted Monica Lewinsky, him being the president and she a lowly intern. Clinton left office with an approval rating in the 60s. And if Bill were eligible for a third term, yes, he'd get a healthy number of Democrats to support that candidacy. 

Go home, Stuart. Your time has passed. 

Also, no one knows who these people are either.