
Kamala Harris Was Asked About Race Relations If Trump Wins...and the Answer Is a Disaster

Vice President Kamala Harris is hiding from the press. It’s obvious why, since the first tranche of questions will be about why voters should trust her, as she’s done a 180-degree turn on most of her 2020 platform, except for the call to eliminate private health insurance plans. When speaking off-script, she’s also a category five disaster, which got exposed again. A reporter asked Ms. Harris how a Trump win would impact race relations—a stupid question—but a softball that Harris bungled mightily. It’s a disjointed answer involving Martin Luther King Jr., teaching history—or something—and emphasizing diversity and inclusion. 

“Hey, let’s look around the room and see who’s not here, and did we leave the door open?”

What the hell is she talking about? 

The time for hiding is over, Kamala. You’re the 2024 nominee now, and even far-left commentators are saying it’s inexcusable to avoid the press. She’s supposedly going to sit down with the media soon, though how scripted will it be? Will her staff have veto power over the questions? How much bubble wrap will be involved in interviewing this woman?