
Cotton Sums Up the Republicans Who Spoke at the DNC in Three Words

Last week at the Democratic National Convention, at least seven Republicans took to the stage to attack GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump. Former Rep. Adam Kinzinger, former Trump White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham, former Georgia Republican Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan, and Mesa, Arizona, Mayor John Giles, were among the Republicans who said they are now going to support Vice President Kamala Harris in the 2024 election. 

Asked by ABC’s Jonathan Karl what he makes of those Republicans, Cotton had an easy explanation: TDS.  

“What I make of them is that Trump derangement syndrome is a real thing, but what most Americans remember is that for four years when Donald Trump was president, we had peace and prosperity,” he said. 

“Everything has gone to hell under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris over the last four years,” Cotton added. “And that's the clear contrast we have. This is an unusual presidential election because Donald Trump has been president before. The American people know what he did. They know that he understands the kind of pain they've suffered for the last four years under Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, and I think that's why they're ready to return Donald Trump to the White House.” 

On the strategy of Democrats trying to appeal to Republicans, Cotton said it’s typical in every election.

“I mean, look at what just happened this week. The Democratic Party under Kamala Harris has gone so far to the left that you actually had a Kennedy endorse a Republican,” he pointed out. “That's pretty remarkable that the Democratic Party has become so radical under Kamala Harris that a member of the Kennedy family has come out to endorse a Republican.”