
Eric Holder Was Not Happy When Confronted at DNC About Tim Walz's Stolen Valor Fiasco

Jack Posobiec, senior editor at Human Events, tracked down former Attorney General Eric Holder at the Democratic National Convention yesterday to discuss Tim Walz. Holder was tasked with vetting running mate candidates for Kamala Harris, and it’s clear that the process was not thorough. Walz has been accused of stolen valor after being busted for claiming to hold a rank he never obtained and for being deployed in a combat zone. He was never in Afghanistan and retired before his National Guard unit was deployed to Iraq; he knew months in advance.

 Holder was not pleased with Posobiec’s questions.

 “F**k you,” Holder said in response.

Posobiec followed the former AG’s entourage, where he was shoved by either Holder’s aides or bodyguards. The Human Events editor noted that he wasn’t being physical with the former Obama official. The staffer (or bodyguard) said he was getting too close and vocal.

He was stopped by security near Media Row, where a security guard told him he couldn’t speak with Mr. Holder despite being a member of the press. After a brief Mexican standoff, Posobiec went to another security official standing nearby, who explained his situation and later allowed him through. 

Holder had long skedaddled off by this point.

Madeline also wrote about Walz's other big lie that got exposed this week.