
A Laughing Beshear Won't Apologize for 'Vile' Comments Wishing Rape on JD Vance's Family

Earlier on Tuesday we covered how Gov. Andy Beshear (D-KY) expressed a desire for a family member of Sen. JD Vance (R-OH), the running mate for former and potentially future President Donald Trump, to get raped and become pregnant as a result. He made such comments during "Morning Joe," and was then asked again on Tuesday by Andrea Mitchell, during which he continued to attack Vance. 

"Make him go through this," Beshear had insisted to "Morning Joe" co-host Mika Brzezinski as he ranted against pro-life laws at the state level. The governor made such a declaration about Vance and his family even as he acknowledged how rape involves someone "being violated" and "harmed."

Meanwhile, as Mitchell warned later in the day that she was going to bring up Beshear's comments from "Morning Joe," so as to "prepare [him] for this," the governor actually laughed. The program then played Beshear's own remarks back to him, with Mitchell reading Vance's post--shared above--to the governor. As she did so, Beshear laughed off the matter once more. 

Mitchell and Beshear both laughed over the matter further as Mitchell asked the governor to explain himself. "So, how do you respond to that? I mean, is that what you were talking about?"

Beshear's response involved laughing off that it was "of course not" what he was talking about, despite how his point of "make him go through this" about Vance leaves little room for doubt what he meant. He also continued to insult Vance more, though, by calling the senator's response "ridiculous, but also deflection." Beshear then claimed that "JD Vance knows that he and Donald Trump are so wrong on this issue, and now he's trying to make himself the victim."

The governor then reminded how obsessed the Democratic Party is with by abortion by bringing up stories from abortion activists who have gone through difficult pregnancies--hard, rare cases--that were shared on Monday night. 

"You know, as a man, JD Vance will never have to go through this personally," Beshear said. While it's refreshing to know that the Democratic governor confirms men indeed can't get pregnant, he then also made another bold claim about Vance. "It's sad that he lacks the empathy to be able to put himself in a different position and to be able to understand why having exceptions, having reproductive freedom is so important in the first place," Beshear continued. The governor had similarly brought up empathy as a point against Vance and pro-life Republicans during his "Morning Joe" appearance.

In claiming he did not actually wish for a member of Vance's family to be raped and become pregnant as a result, Beshear still continued to laugh about the situation. "Obviously, I'd never wish harm on anyone. It's just, again, deflection trying to make Donald Trump and himself the victims," he offered. Such remarks are tellingly not an apology. 

As Beshear's comments on rape continue to trend over X, his more recent comments made to Mitchell have also gained more scrutiny.

Vance, who has been active on the campaign trail, was asked about Beshear's comments, and he continues to strongly condemn the governor's argument. He also cleared the air about Beshear's claims from "Morning Joe," which is that Vance supposedly referred to rape as "inconvenient."

The senator doubled down on how Beshear's "comments are disgusting," adding "I think it's important that the media not misrepresent what I actually say, 'cause then it leaves a guy like Beshear to go off." Vance reminded that Beshear is "effectively fantasizing about some member of my family getting raped so that I know what it feels like. I just think that's really gross and really disgusting," also pointing out that "the guy's a complete loser and he's gone after me repeatedly, but this particular thing, going after my family really bothered me."

Vance spoke further to Beshear's further comments against him. "I never once called rape 'inconvenient,'" Vance made clear, adding that "it's a total fiction of the Democratic National Committee. I never said it, I never said anything like it."

"What I was talking about was the context of an unexpected pregnancy, not one caused by rape, and I think that we should see unexpected pregnancies, babies that come from them, as inconveniences. Of course rape is a terrible, terrible tragedy, a terrible, terrible thing. I never said what the Democratic Party accused me of saying," Vance also shared. 

Thanks to far-left pro-abortion forces, many of them from outside of Ohio, women and minor girls can get an abortion up until birth for any reason in Vance's state. The amendment passed in last November's election as part of a ballot initiative that not only allows for unlimited abortions, but usurps parental rights.

Trump and Vance believe in exceptions, such as for rape, incest, and the life of the mother. The ticket also believes in states being able to decide their own abortion laws after the Dobbs v. Jackson decision came down in 2022 and overturned the strict confines of Roe v. Wade.