
This Comedian Has Done the Impossible Regarding the Trump Assassination Attempt

How can you make an assassination attempt funny? The quick answer is that you can’t, and you shouldn’t. Yet, comedian Drew Dunn did it somehow. His routine about the Trump assassination attempt on July 13 is great. It’s not over-the-top—it’s hilarious. Given the subject matter, some might not find it humorous, but I respect comedians who push the limits and go there since not all are successful or good at it. Yet, this one right here is hysterical. 

There was probably high anxiety in the room when he set up the joke. Dunn said that if the government wanted to execute an assassination attempt, it would look something like Trump’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. 

“It was very inefficient,” he said. “That was the DMV of assassination attempts."

Dunn added that the government couldn’t afford a JFK-like event with the grassy knoll, instead they had to go tin roof, a town fair, and a shooter who was dead last on his marksmanship team. 

He then said he hoped Trump would do a presser with his bandaged ear, saying, “They tried to shoot me. They were too slow, and I’m too fast.” 

He makes a very good impression of Trump as well.

“They say he [the shooter] was a Republican…but I’ll tell you right now, he shoots like a liberal. He shoots like a liberal. Not straight. So not straight…we found the bullets, turns out the bullets; they were made in China…I shot the guy back, they cut the cameras. They didn’t show you that—it was me who shot him. I pulled out my Glock and I shot him right in the f**king face.”

Spectacular set, Mr. Dunn.