
Father Wins Full Custody Over Son After His Mother Tried to Raise Him As Non-Binary

A California father was granted full custody over his 4-year-old son after his mother tried to raise him as “non-binary.”

The father, Harrison Tinsley, got full custody following a longtime court battle over his son, Sawyer. 

“I know he’s a boy,” Tinsley told The Daily Signal in an interview. “He wants to be a boy. He adamantly expresses that. If you say anything to the contrary, he gets very upset, and it’s just insane that people, any person, would push this ideology onto a child, as opposed to just [allowing them to] be happy with who they are.”

Reportedly, Sawyer’s mother identifies as a lesbian and “non-binary” herself. From the time he was a baby, she was trying to push her “woke” gender ideology outlooks onto him.

“She started trying to call him ‘they’ all the time…as well as some incidents where she tries to put dresses on him, or force him to wear some sort of girly clothing..or glitter…to get him to do something,” Tinsley said. In one example, Sawyer’s mother would not let him ride attractions at Disneyland unless he wore “princess” shoes. 

Tinsley admitted that he was shocked that he was given full custody of his son, especially in a state like California that encourages LGBTQ+ ideology and eroding parental rights. 

“It definitely is a pretty wonderful feeling to fight for something so hard and to actually achieve it,” Tinsley says, adding, “I just want to help more people protect children. I want to protect more kids. I think it’s the battle of our lifetime.” 

Earlier this year, Townhall covered how a  family in Glasgow, Montana reportedly lost custody of their daughter after they expressed disapproval for her gender transition. 

“I’ve never heard of a parent being anti-crazy gender madness and winning custody other than mine,” Tinsley acknowledged. 

“I think in my case, unfortunately, the mom has some pretty severe mental health issues…they’ve caused some scary situations with police and CPS involvement…and so they essentially had no choice but to give me custody,” he explained. “It’s sad though that it should have to get that severe.”

Tinsley said that Sawyer's wellbeing has improved in recent months. Though, in California, Tinsley added, the war on parents’ rights is “insane.” 

“It’s anti-family, it’s Marxist, it’s anti-child, it’s anti-parent. I don’t know who they’re pandering to because everybody I talk to in the Bay Area is completely against it, liberal or not…nobody supports this bill or these crazy ideas being pushed on children and secrets being kept from parents,” he said. “What world are we living in that it’s okay to keep secrets from parents?”

“Kids don’t care about sex or identity or all these fake, weird concepts. They just care about having fun and getting to spend time with their parents,” he said.